Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sustainable Development

I went for a Round Square Conference in Indore, and the topic was on Sustainable Development. What does Sustainable Development mean?
It is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
The ammount of Fossil Fuels being used has increased. We have created a major imbalance, which has led to Climate Change.
Now, the Impacts of Climate Change are
  • The Precipitation Patterns-Less Rainy days, More Rain
  • Large ammount of snow
  • Floods
  • Droughts

What is your Carbon Footprint? And how do we calculate it?

Most citizens of our country are not aware of what a carbon footprint is. It is the ammount of Carbon one emits into the atmosphere. If you buy a dishwasher, it uses electricity, which uses fossil fuels, which emits carbon dioxide. So your Carbon footprint increases. If you buy a t-shirt, the factory where it was made must have emitted some ammount of carbon. Then it was transported to the shop where you bought it, the transportation emitted some ammount of carbon. Thats why, before you buy ANYTHING, you must ask yourself whether you REALLY need it! How do you calculate your carbon footprint? This is the website :